when i dream about different women ive met in my life, i am always carrying them around on my back, what does that mean?
Dreams about carrying women on your back can have various interpretations depending on the context of the dream and your personal experiences. Here are a few possible meanings:
Burden: Carrying someone or something on your back can represent a burden that you're carrying in your waking life. Perhaps you feel responsible for taking care of multiple people or projects, and it's weighing you down. The fact that you're carrying women specifically could indicate that you feel responsible for the well-being or happiness of the women in your life, or that you feel burdened by your relationships with them.
Support: On the other hand, carrying someone on your back can also symbolize support. Perhaps you feel like you're a pillar of strength for the women in your life, or you're always there to lend a helping hand. This interpretation could suggest that you take pride in being able to support others, but it could also indicate that you feel like you're carrying too much weight on your own.
Connection: Since you mention that the women in your dream are people you've met in real life, another possibility is that the dream is representing your connections to these women. Maybe you feel like you have a lot of history or shared experiences with these women, and carrying them on your back is a way of symbolizing that connection. Alternatively, the dream could suggest that you feel burdened by the memories or emotions associated with these women.
Overall, the best interpretation of this dream will depend on your individual circumstances and feelings. It might be helpful to reflect on why these particular women are appearing in your dream, what it feels like to carry them on your back, and what emotions or associations come up for you.